Special Edition Wagara - Jewellery Rings with Japanese Patterns

When designing the special edition, the Fischer designers were inspired by Japan – a country with a rich history, full of tradition and cultural as well as artistic forms of expression. The result: nine jewellery rings that take up traditional and popular Japanese patterns to pass on their meaningful qualities to the wearers of the rings.

Anyone who has ever studied Japanese designs will come across the recurring motifs that combine tradition and modernity. When viewed from a distance, the Wagara patterns often appear rather plain and simple. Only a closer look reveals the richness and variety of the ornaments.

Inspired by Japanese culture

Wagara, the first traditional fabric patterns, were made in early Japan during the Heian period. They were used to decorate kimonos and other everyday objects.

The special edition Wagara by Fischer celebrates the cultural depth of Japan and reminds us that spirituality and aesthetics are inseparable.

We invite you to discover the meaning and beauty of Japanese motifs with “Wagara”. Welcome to the world of traditional Japanese patterns, where the treasures of Japanese culture come alive.

Meaningful beauties

Deep and essential meaning in Japanese culture is the unifying element of all these symbolic designs. Wagara have been used in Japan’s traditional craft culture for centuries and reflect the country’s rich cultural heritage.

The word “wagara” (ĺ’Śćź„) dates back to the middle of the Heian period (794-1185). Since Japanese culture was strongly influenced by China at that time, some of the Japanese patterns also originated in China. For example, Japanese fabrics (instead of Chinese cloth) were decorated with symbols. The traditional kimono is an example of the classical motifs. Nowadays, traditional patterns are used more often again, although kimonos are no longer worn so often in everyday life.

With their meaningful symbols, the “wagara” continue to shape Japan’s identity and can now be found in many areas: porcelain, textiles such as bed linen and cushions, clothing, accessories such as bags and even in architecture.